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Half the Man

As you might have noticed from browsing this site, there have very much been 2 Michaels over the years. The big one, and the not-so-big one. At his heaviest, Michael hit 25 stones, but in 2018, he decided it was high time he did something about it and lost half of his body weight.


Not wishing to miss an opportunity, Michael turned the experience into a show called Half the Man which premiered at the 2019 Edinburgh Fringe. The show was successful, thanks to it being promoted by Fringe influencers and having a big feature in Scotland's national Sunday Post newspaper. It was even the subject of a piece on ZDF, the German national broadcaster.

Sunday Post.jpg

In the months post-Edinburgh, sporadic performances to tighten up the show continued ahead of a UK tour in Spring 2020. As the world now knows, the live performance industry was closed down in March of 2020 due to Covid, so the tour was cancelled. 


UK Tour poster featuring the 2 Michaels

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